Virtual college admission interviews are becoming common practice for many colleges, especially with the impact of COVID-19. Choosing colleges can often feel like an overwhelming process, but college interviews can help narrow down your options to your best choices. When planning for college, you should always consider an interview, even if it isn’t mandatory.
The interview process provides an opportunity to meet with college reps. Doing so can provide the information you need to make the best decision about which college to attend. When you begin to prepare for your virtual college interviews, these tips can help you maximize your time and present yourself in the best light possible.
Prepare and Research
You should treat virtual interviews just like an in-person interview. This means that you’ll want to start by researching the college. You’ll want to learn about their college admissions process, their philosophies, and their programs. You’ll also want to prepare by anticipating common questions you may be asked. These questions could include, why do you want to attend our college? And, what can you contribute to our college? You’ll also want to prepare your own set of questions, such as, what is life on campus like? What can you tell me about my specific majors and programs? What college finances do I need to consider? The better you can anticipate what will be asked, the easier it will be to answer with confidence.
Make Eye Contact During the Interview
In any interview, eye contact is key. It shows that we are engaged in the conversation and that we are being open and honest. In a virtual interview, eye contact is still as important. You want to have your computer far enough away that you’ll be looking straight ahead versus down. You’ll also want to consider aligning the conversation window with the center of your computer. When you look at your interviewer, you’ll naturally be looking at the camera as well.
Practice for Your Virtual Interview
There are numerous factors to consider when conducting a virtual interview. You want to make sure that your computer is fully functional, both with audio and visual elements. You’ll want to be familiar with the communication platform being used. Conducting a mock interview with a friend or family member can be beneficial. Stage an interview using the same communication platform and hit record. Following your mock interview, review the footage. You’ll see moments where you lacked eye contact or fidgeted. This will help you feel both comfortable and confident entering your real interview. This can also help make you aware of communication overlap. It can be more challenging to realize when someone is finished speaking on a virtual platform. Practice pausing a moment before speaking to ensure you don’t accidentally interrupt your interviewer.
Proceed with Confidence
On interview day, you’ll want to consider a few additional factors. You want to dress to impress, showing that this interview matters to you. You should make sure that you are in a distraction-free space, and that your technology is performing correctly. The College Benefits Research Group has been helping prospective students prepare for college for years. We offer several workshops tailored to your specific needs, such as nailing the college interview.