Janet Loren, Certified Educational Planner (CEP), College Benefits Research Group, Featured on Family Radio
-Janet Loren, partner at CBRG explains the importance of how the right college fit can ensure long term success”
During the interview, Loren stresses the importance of ensuring the right financial, academic and social fit for the student. Loren said, “When students are looking at their college choices, many will say they want to go to the school that is the most selective. But new research is showing it is often more important that the student is in the top 10-15% of their school rather than where they attend.”
“Colleges will use resources to help their students such as internships and research opportunities. Colleges love to see their best and their brightest succeed,” said Loren.

Janet Loren is also an author, this article highlights the strong competition facing students applying to college today, “College Admission More Complex Than Ever.”
Family Radio, established in 1959 under the official name, Family Stations, Inc. aired its first broadcast on February 4, 1959. The station strives to maintain the highest degree of integrity. Today, Family Radio operates a national network of powerful AM and FM stations throughout the United States.
CBRG is a college planning organization with a unique model for working with families to find the right “fit” for their child and their family not only financially, but academically and socially as well. Their three prong model in the college planning arena is innovative and effective in order to develop a college game plan that works for everyone. CBRG has recently appeared on regional television, radio and in print outlets.
For more information, please visit: www.cbrg.info