why you need to go to college

In today’s age of fiscal uncertainty and soaring college costs, many are questioning the return on investment a college education offers. College education presents unique life challenges and it opens up unique opportunities. Read on to discover some of the many benefits earning a college degree still offers.

Increased Income

The chance at a higher-paying job continues to be a primary motivating factor in students choosing to enter college. Research demonstrates a marked increase in lifetime earnings for those with a college degree when compared to high school graduates. While there are other factors that can impact actual lifetime earnings, your earning potential does increase with a post-secondary degree.

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Better Career Choices

College degrees have become a requirement for higher paying jobs, replacing the high school diploma. Many businesses only look at you if you’ve gone the extra mile, earning a post-graduate degree or having a double major in your undergraduate program. All of this increases your value as an employee and shows a commitment to self-improvement, a key factor when employers look to hire you.

Satisfaction and Job Security

College graduates consider their jobs as part of a career track, with steps and promotions leading to the job of their choice down the road. This leads to greater job satisfaction and improved work performance. Additionally, a college degree may offer some insurance, meaning you may avoid a lay-off because of the added value from your degree.

Expanded Knowledge Base

college benefitsA broad degree program helps you gain insight into many different aspects of life, while your major focus grants you advanced knowledge in subjects you want to specialize in. College teaches you how to think in critical and abstract terms, how to better communicate through speech or the written word, and how to make sensible decisions. All of these are skills employers value in prospective employees.


A higher paying job allows you to prepare for hard times, and the jobs where you will have that kind of income require post-secondary degrees. College gives you a broader education and marketable skills, enabling you to survive rough times. Increased income, greater job satisfaction, and a large knowledge base bolster your resiliency, helping you secure a better future.

Generational Benefits

Everyone wants a better life. Going to college increases the likelihood you will create a stable life in which you and your family will prosper. Parents want to give their children a better life than they had. Getting a college degree enables them to do that, helping them to model for their children an appreciation for education and increasing their odds of following the same course.

As you make plans, consider your life goals and what you want to accomplish. There are negative factors about going to college (if you have to take out student loans, consider the loss in lifetime income this will cause). However, both the immediate and the long-term benefits present you with ample opportunities to make it past those factors, setting you on a course toward a better life for you and your future family.

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